1997 Turkey Tour Rally Results (Nov. 22, 1997)


1 - Westchester Sports Car Club member
2 - More than 15 minutes early
3 - More than 2 people in car
4 - Wrong way into Check Point
5 - Off Course Turkey(s)
6 - Correction for time allowance
7 - Mileage Tie Breaker
L - Ladies Team
S - Husband/Wife Team
DNF - Did Not Finish (ie. did not go through the Check Point)
Negative time points indicate an early arrival

                                                    Time  TurkeyPenaltTotal
Pos.Car #   Driver/Navigator            Time   TurkePointsPointsPointsPointsTrophy
 1    4    Richard Luchini/Michael Ben- 2:20:47  29   81    0     0    81  1st
 2   44    Stefan Heinz/Kevin Steinberg 2:20:35  28   69   50     0   119  2nd
 3   17  L Lynn Anderson/Debbie McCrack 2:16:30  27 -176  100     0   276  3rd
 4    3  L Janice Penn/Diane Penn       2:15:34  28 -232   50     0   282  4th
 5   19    Pat Slaven/David Trezza      2:22:05  23  159  300     0   459  5th
 6   10  L Valerie Christou1/Margue Har 2:26:16  27  410  100     0   510  Ladies
 7   13    Eddie Claridge/Bob Kleinman  2:12:13  27 -433  100     0   533
 8   18    Rob Gilmore/Brian McCluskey  2:26:18  26  412  150     0   562
 9   15    Ron Jack/Keith Dooley        2:11:42  27 -464  100     0   564
10    7    Clair Smith1/Stuart Kestenba 2:11:04  27 -502  100     0   602
11   45    Todd Johnston/Brian Johnston 2:48:45  28 1759   50 -1200(6)609
12   16    Jason Petruccelli/Albert San 2:28:09  27  523  100     0   623
13   37    Walter Hauck/Frank L'Abbate  2:26:55  25  449  200     0   649
14   34    George Dixon/George Dixon Jr 2:23:03  16  217  650     0   867
15   25  L Christine Selkirk/Erin McMah 2:33:47  24  861  250     0  1111
16   11    Stacy Nadler/Jayne Tynan     2:05:30  25 -836  200  250(3)1286(7)
17   24    Dan Pinto/Kerri Cullen       2:38:22  26 1136  150     0  1286(7)
18    5  S Gary Kanzler1/Debbi Kanzler1 2:42:21  25 1375  200     0  1575  H/W
19    9    Steven Kelmenson/Darryl Ciuc 2:53:20  26 2034  150     0  2184
20    2  S Jesse Lipscher1/Barbara Geba 2:00:22  26-1144  150 1144(2)2438
21   48    Kevin Smith1/Greg Miller     3:12:02  25 3156  200     0  3356
22   35    Chris Couto/Bruce Kade       3:03:01  24 2615  250  500(4)3365
23   26    Chris Antenucci/Mike Mercer  3:07:01  18 2855  550     0  3405
24   22    Courtney Joseph/Jackie Selki 3:15:07  26 3341  150     0  3491
25   47    Christopher Caram1/none      3:12:57  21 3211  400     0  3611
26    8    Taimour Afshar/Nick Thompson 3:15:34  24 3368  250     0  3618
27   33    Bill Smith/Tom Smith         3:20:00  25 3634  200     0  3834
28   39    Omar Ruiz1/Neil Hayden       3:25:57  28 3991   50     0  4041
29   38  S Scott Lang/Jodi Giroux       3:26:55  28 4049   50     0  4099
30   23    Chris Bracken/Douglas Sena   3:20:07  18 3641  550     0  4191
31   12    Michele Lynch/Fran Petruccel 3:25:07  23 3941  300  100(5)4341
32   14    Artie D'Angelo/C.J. Stern    3:44:42  27 5116  100   50(5)5266
33   21  S Don Mays/Diane Mays            DNF    26  ---  150  100(5) 250
34    1    Peter O'Meara/Higel Perez      DNF    21  ---  400   50(5) 450
34    6    Joe Perucci/Desi Marcelynas    DNF    20  ---  450     0   450
34   27    Craig Sasse/Jason Pellegri     DNF    20  ---  450     0   450
34   28    Robert Dillon/Kerry Jubin      DNF    21  ---  400   50(5) 450
34   43    Terence Meehan/Andre Brody     DNF    21  ---  400   50(5) 450
34   49    Art Swartz1/Paul Krasko        DNF    21  ---  400   50(5) 450
34   29  L Karen Rubinstein/Anne Marie Cl DNF    19  ---  500     0   500
41   41  S Fernando Maldonado/Gail Maldon DNF    17  ---  600     0   600
42   42    Edward Maldonado/Jordy Maldona DNF    14  ---  750     0   750
43   31    David Lapham/Katie Lapham      DNF    12  ---  850     0   850
44   46    Lisa Frankel1/Mark Valera1     DNF     8  --- 1050     0  1050
45   32    Michael Koch/Paul Cockerill    DNF     7  --- 1100     0  1100
46   40    David Durland/Michael Gonis    DNF     6  --- 1150     0  1150
47   20  S Earl Laughlin/Janice Laugh     DNF    --  ---   ---   ---  ---
47   36    Lori Bunting/Steve Basini      DNF    --  ---   ---   ---  ---

  There  were 48 entries (Car #1 to #49, with no #30). Thirty two made it
to the Check Point, which was between instructions 47 and  48. It was on
Station  Road, just off Route 100 at the AP Shopping Center in Millwood,
N.Y. Another 14 DNFed but turned in answer sheets at Tino's. Only Two
never returned.
  The total length of the rally (start to check point) was 58.6 miles.TH
The correct elapsed time was 2:19:26. Instruction 1 to 39 was 45.8 miles
at 24 MPH for a time of 1:54:30. Instruction 39 to 41 was 4.05 miles at
40 MPH for a time of 6:05. Instruction 41 to 43 was 2.25 miles at 24 MPH
for  at time of 5:38. Instruction 43 to 44 was 3.05 miles at 40 MPH for a
time of 4:35. Instruction 44 to the Check Point was 3.45 miles at 24 MPH
for a time of 8:38. (All rounding off was done on the individual leg
calculations.) We put out 31 on course Turkeys and 2 off course Turkeys.
The next day we retrieved 28 of the on course signs (one was lying on the
road) and both off course signs. Of the four "problem" turkeys - all in
the first third of the rally, two were seen by a large cross section
(early and late cars), one was not seen by anyone and one (the A) was
only seen by about the first third of the cars. Therefore, the one unseen
sign and the one partly seen sign (A) were not counted and the official
total is 29.
  The most common errors (yours and ours) were (listed by instruction

 #19(Left after "    ".) This was at the top of page two. The instruction
was to be executed a short distance after Instruction 18. Of course, we
put up two very easy Turkeys there to distract you from the road from
left sign. It was surprising to find how many experienced teams fell for
this slight of hand trick. Some more then once!

 #29 (Right at "MOSCOOT".) Of course, this was a typo mistake on our
part. The right spelling is MUSCOOT. Most teams ignored it, adjusted for
it or didn't notice. Some teams did claim a time allowance for this and
it was granted.

 #42 (Bear Left at Island. (MBR)) Some teams thought the next instruction
(Right at Stop Sign) referred to the Stop Sign at the end of the Island.
While I can understand the confusion and admit I shouldn't have used a
Stop Sign as the next instruction, you should have completed Instruction
42 and cleared the Island before going onto Instruction 43.

 #44 (Third Left or Bear Left after 1 mile. - The or Bear Left was added
at the Drivers' meeting.) Signs with the words mile or miles were used in
earlier instructions (12, 25 and 32). This was a distance and not a sign.
However, there was a sign with 1 mile in it that, if used, would have put
you off course. This was also some concern that the second opportunity
was a dead end. There was no way you could tell this from the position
you were in if you were on course. The road had no sign indicating it was
a dead end that could be read from an on course car, it had a standard
street sign and there was a break in the double yellow line on the road
you were driving down. There was also some remarks about other roads.
This was checked out and there was nothing else but drive ways.

There were several prizes raffled off at Tino's after the rally. You had
to be present to win. Prizes and winners were:
  Prize               Donated by                              Winner
  Mary Kay Cosmetics  Marilynn Kadan (914) 762-2194           Car 10
                      Ossining, N.Y.
  Gift Certificate    Tino's Restaurant (914) 769-7236        Car 25
                      Route 9A
                      Hawthorne, N.Y.
  Mobil Gas CertificatDom's Friendly Service (914) 271-3877   Car 15
                      South Riverside Ave.
                      Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.
  Oil Change          Auto-Tech Repair Service (914) 591-6266 Car 21
                      North Astor Street
                      Irvington, N.Y.
  Manicure            Studio 141 (914) 762-1932               Car 17
                      141 North State Road
                      Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.