Dear Ralliers:
We hope you had a great time running the Bunny Run Road Rally. Remarkably, 15 of of the 16 teams, finished the rally. Most teams did very well coming in close to the official checkpoint times and recording nearly all the bunny signs. We think that regular participants were surprised by our mid-point checkpoint since most cars arrived a few minutes early not expecting that checkpoint.
As the rally masters, we admit we made two mistakes in the directions. First, we spelled “Leisure” wrong. (What happened to the “i” before “e” except after “c” rule?). Second, one instruction had “T” in quotes implying it was a sign, but it was a simple T intersection. Neither one these resulted in any negative consequences...except whining from experts.
One team challenged the instruction “Bear Left at "2-1/2” (Helper: SOL as you approach)". This was not an error. The definition of “At” according to the general instructions is that a sign, clue, or anything that you are looking for is within a few feet before or after the intersection. And while all signs are on the right as you pass them unless otherwise indicated, the "2-1/2” sign was on the right as you passed it. The helper added clarity to this instruction. No one should have gotten this one wrong.
Upon collecting the bunny signs the following morning, we found one missing and one miscount. Therefore, there were only 44 official bunny signs. No team got all of them, but most came very close. Only two teams recorded the “Q”, which was off course.
The hands down winners of the Bunny Run were Dani and Christine Jackson who racked up only 304 points. The next three teams -- Jessie Lipcher/Barbara Gebala, Jessica and Cassie Michelotti, and Stephanie and Stephen Novick -- all finished very close to each other. The official results are attached and will be posted on the website.
Thanks to Ken Frey, Jesse Lipscher, and Diane Mays for helping with the logistics behind running the rally. And thanks to you all for participating. We hope to see you at the next two rallies in the Fall. Please keep an eye out for the schedule on our website.
Don and Mark
Your rallymasters