Halloween Rally 2016.
First off, thanks to Ken & Frank for helping coordinate and a special thanks to Dave Trezda for cold running the rally. Without a cold run to vet out and have fresh eyes, there is a good chance our rallyists could come back swinging….nobody wants that!
Secondly, despite our best efforts to advertise, we had a total of 15 cars participate in the WSCC 2016 Halloween Rally. This is a low turn-out. Please like our Facebook Page and spread the word (“WSCC.ORG”). We had 2 cars rank Did Not Finish (“DNF”) and 2 additional cars rank DNF but these 2 met us at Applebee’s to turn in their answer sheets. Even if you did not make it to the checkpoint, please come back to Applebee’s to turn in your answer sheet for scoring and compare notes with your fellow rallyists. It can only improve your game.
With that said, we had 11 cars that made it to the checkpoint and of which 1 car had an extra person and 1 actually came in the wrong way. Remember, you are point penalized for wrong way entry to checkpoint and extra persons in your vehicle. The extra person car did very well, but the extra points could hurt. I understood from this team that they were recruiting a newbie – so I like that. Please bring your friends along for the ride if you think you’re going to be able to recruit them for the next rally!!
Of the 11 finishers we had 2 cars score exact mileage, 1 car off by a 1/10th and 2 others that were within 4/10th. This shows me that we’ve either got great mathematician rallyists or they had little to no mistakes on the course – CONGRATULATIONS.
OKAY now the signs – WE actually put up 42, not 41 as posted at Applebee’s, and honestly there was not trick behind this. For some reason, I just did not record the “H” on my answer sheet. I think my daughter’s text message about going out Sat night distracted me!!!! But, it was there when we went back on Sunday and many folks recorded it. It was not “left over from a prior rally”, it was not “ghost implanted”, it just got missed… so sorry. I also heard a lot of bitchin how hard the signs were….blah blah, blah…..let me tell you, it’s no fun putting them up OR taking them down, plus day light vs night time changes everything. We HAD no idea how hard they would be, honestly…… BUT…….6 of the 11 finishers got 38 or better. So Ha! The extra person team got 40, but that 500 point penalty could drop them down in the rankings. 500 points is 10 missed signs….SO PICK YOUR POISON PEOPLE.
I did not hear of any complaints, just some moaning and groaning, but overall a successful rally. We hope you had fun, learned from your mistakes and can get out there again to play.
Thanks for joining us folks.
Diane & Ken