Westchester Sports Car Club was incorporated in 1949 and since around that year the Turkey Tour has been run every year. With that information, we are calling this the 65th annual Turkey Tour. This also marks the 11th Turkey Tour that we have written, with the 4 Bunny Run Rally's before them we are up to 15 total rally's. Most of these have had straightforward instructions and rather difficult signs posted along the way. This rally was no exception, 52 signs were posted, some more difficult than others (no teams found all of them). All signs were, however, recovered Sunday morning. The route traversed Westchester and Connecticut with a brief section in Putnum county. The homes along the route were spectacular and usually we suggest driving the route in leisure another weekend if the team didn't finish the rally, for practice and to appreciate the route, but at this event we had a great finishing percentage. Only 2 teams were lost along the way, all the others were accounted for, most with official finishing times. As always what we expected to be tricky was never mentioned at the finish meeting, people did find other stuff to find difficult.
Thanks as always to Debbi and Gary for helping with registration, Ken for prerunning and helping pick up the signs Sunday morning, and Frank for helping with all the little stuff, check point, staging, and keeping everything in order. It was nice getting back to Applebee's and talking about the rally with so many finishers. Our next rally, the Bunny Run will be around Easter, look out for the email and Facebook posts, and bring your friends, it would be great to build back the rally program to its old size, we have heard stories of over 100 cars starting about 25 years ago.
Jesse & Barbara